New Religious Movements in Chicago

An inside look on the diversity of Chicago and the surrounding area


Hello! Welcome to the Database for Chicago-based New Religious Movements! Chicago is a very diverse city with inhabitants identifying as members in a wide variety of religious groups, some of which are relatively new and notable for their counter-cultural views. This website will serve as a database that people can refer to in order to better understand new religious groups in the city and surrounding areas. Below are links to navigate you through the website.

This database and its entries will be written from the perspective of the academic study of religion, which aims to study religion from as neutral a perspective as possible.  Readers and participants are expected to be considerate and respectful of the religious groups, as inclusivity is important for the database to function properly.

“What is a New Religious Movement?”

A religious group can be considered a new religious movement (abbreviated henceforth as NRM) if it originated within the past few centuries and its beliefs and practices are in tension with traditional and dominant religious groups. This database will focus on NRMs that have developed within the past 150 years and have substantial ties to the city of Chicago and its surrounding areas. For the purpose of the database, all submissions on NRMs will be considered for publication on this website, but they will also be vetted for accuracy and relevance to this project.  

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